Wednesday, February 11, 2009

there's clearly something wrong with my brain

I was going to blog this earlier but I totally forgot about it until now.

So three nights ago I woke from a very vivid nightmare at about four in the morning. One of those sudden eyes popping open and heart racing deals. Now this is unusual for me because I rarely remember my dreams, and pretty much never have nightmares. So what was so scary to my subconscious that it left such a lasting impression?

Well in my dream, there was a murderer loose on the RHUL campus. At least, I think it was here; I don't really remember the specifics in the beginning, but they're not really important. Anyways, people started turning up dead, and no one had any idea who was behind the grisly murders. For they were bloody--almost Jack the Ripper-esque. We were all terrified that it was someone we knew, or someone we were about to meet, and the police had no leads so they were pulling everyone in for questioning. I remember two friends of mine (twins) made a cameo; one died, and the other was very nearly accused of being the murderer. I also remember having a pizza with some random guy, and being terrified that he was gonna turn around and knife me.

But it wasn't pizza dude. The dream progressed and somehow I ended up at a football pitch that I knew to be Anfield, although it didn't quite look like it. It was more like an arena, with walls right around the field, kind of like a baseball stadium. Suddenly someone comes out of the shadows, crazy-eyed and holding a machete.

No lie, the scary murderer was Robbie Keane. He started swinging his machete and yelling "come on you Reds!" and mass pandemonium ensued. There weren't many people on the arena-field-thing, but the crowd was going crazy, screaming and everything. Keane started chasing people around the pitch, and luckily I was able to climb one of the walls and sit on top of it safely (he's not tall enough to reach me, see). Unfortunately, someone else wasn't so lucky. Some random guy ran into a door in the wall, Keane followed him, the crowd went silent in shock...

...and then I woke up.

So the current theory on where dreams come from is that they are a result of neurons used recently during the day, firing at random to strengthen connections while you're asleep. Your brain tries to make some sort of sense out of these random bits of information, so you end up with (usually weird) stories. I can rationalize the process while I'm awake, but still. WTF is wrong with my brain that it came up with this??


Stephanie said...

Ahahaha, so funny!

Vanilla Bear said...

Omg this is too much! LOL Swinging his machete yelling 'Come on you Reds!' LMAO

I wonder if Rafa B also had this dream which is why he shipped him off back to Spurs :O

blank said...

I am cracking up all over again. Come on you Reeeeds!! LOL

jjf3 said...

I have the same sort of issue. Don't know if all of the symptoms are the same, but I generally do not remember any dream/nightmare/etc. Just don't. But when I'm in a true "nightmare" situation, whatever it happens to be, I don't pull out of it until my subconscious repeatedly makes me try to move my arms (I sense the need to move my arms, and they, of course, don't respond). And then it suddenly ends when my brain remembers its not really "awake". Its like the story-line has no "good" outcome anymore, so it has to stop and wake me up...

or that's TMI...I just haven't met lots of people with the same "no dreams" thing...

that said, Robbie Keane running around with a machete is kind of a funny concept - that might have improved his scoring record at 'Pool...
