Sunday, April 19, 2009

highs and lows of european travel

To the little punk in the Valencia park who stole my iPod out of my hands while I was listening to it: Fuck you. I've had to sit on five long trains with nothing to do, and am looking at two more full days of train travel bored out of my mind because you couldn't keep your stupid thief hands to yourself. Replacing it when I get back to London is not a problem; the problem is I want to use it now!! I die without my music. I highly doubt you die without my music. You probably can't even understand it and are deleting my library at this very moment. In which case: Fuck you doubly. How dare you delete my music to make room for your crap?!? I have fucking amazing music. You don't deserve it, you bastardo hijo de puta. I hope you accidentally turn the volume up too loud and blow out your eardrums, never to hear again.

God. You always hear "watch out for pickpockets", but you never hear "watch out for people who come up to you face to face, talk to you, then steal shit right in front of you and run away". I mean, I had my headphones in! He actually unplugged them. I was in such a state of shock that I didn't react quickly enough. I felt so violated. I've been passively mugged. I gave chase for a while, but then I realized that in my surprise I had left my bag on the bench. I had a split second of terror where I thought maybe while bastardo numero uno was distracting me, another buddy of his was off stealing my purse--with my passport, money, train tickets, oranges (because those are v. important of course), etc. It was still there, thank god, but I figured that it was more important to go back and guard the bag than run after my poor kidnapped iPod.

Other than that Valencia was great. And I absolutely loved Barcelona too. Am in Florence right now, and I'm kind of in city love again. Ate the biggest pizza imaginable today, then walked it off up a mountain to see the gorgeous view from above. Going to have gelato for dinner.

Thieves aside, seriously, can I never leave Europe please?

Oh yeah, no song of the week this week. I have no music in my life anymore. :(


mallymoodle said...

Whutthefux?!?!?!?! What a little bola de mierda!!! I hope while he's listening to your ipod, the volume is up too loud and he walks into traffic.

Barring that, I hope you meet some nice hot guy on the train who offers to share his ipod with you - and magically has the same taste in music. said...

Cabron!! Que un hijo de mil putas >:@
That's sooo bad - I'm angry for you Sare.
(big hugs for you too)

And agree with Mally - hope you meet some nice guapissimo / il bello on the train :D :D
Hope you complete the rest of your journey safely and merrily.

(PS: have you got wolf-whistled by those Italian boys?)

Stephanie said...

OMG, right out of your hands :O The nerve! At least you still have your oranges though.

Yay at Europe though, I'm so jealous. You're all cosmopolitan like.

Vanilla Bear said...

Why has it taken me a whole week to do blog rounds properly??

Sarah I'm so traumatised for you, seriously. Having something stolen has got to be awful, I can't even imagine. I hope you're ok *hugs* :( And your ipod of all things :( :( :(

I can't wait for you to come home because I miss you *selfish reasons* but I'm glad you're having a great time overall! Mwah!