Tuesday, December 9, 2008

pharewell phantom planet

The news that the guys of Phantom Planet have decided to go on indefinite hiatus is not all that surprising to me. And actually, it's not all that upsetting either. You know the saying: all good things come to an end...and this good thing had a nice long 15 year lifespan. They brought into the world four fantastic studio albums and two b-side collections, plus various singles, covers, (allegedly) amazing live shows, and overall general happiness. The only thing I'm really sad about is that I never got to see them in concert.

At 4 am this morning my subconscious was doing everything in its power to stop me from writing my paper. Consequently, I had an urge to reacquaint myself with some videos from Phantom Planet's old blog. They are and always will remain one of my favorite bands, and this is due as much to their personalities as their music. Hopefully these videos will give you a clue as to why. Nerdy rockstars FTW.

(BTW, I had a really difficult time picking out my favorite videos. You guys should really just go to their youtube page, because there are so many weird and hilarious things there.)

Opening bit to their live DVD:

Halo with a headset

Sam and Darren drunk in Missouri

Alex plays and talks about Zelda

Alex makes a fort

Darren does blind sonar impression

And finally, Phantom Planet World Tour 2004

Thanks to Alex, Darren, Sam, and Jeff (and Jacques and Jason too!) for making my teenage years a little brighter.


Stephanie said...

I'm so so so so heartbroken. I wish I could deal with it as well as you, but it's simply just too tragic for me. My heart can't handle it.

I've seen them in concert.......

twice :D

Stephanie said...

Still :'( about it. I've been listening to Phantom Planet for the past two days and it's still just so sad that there won't be any more. *croons One Ray of Sunligh*

If I get one ray of sunlight to hold in my hand, maybe we can be happy again, I'll try for one ray of sunlight to hold in my hand.... maybe we can be happy.... and then.......

:( This definitely didn't go as I planned

Sarah said...

I've been listening to them nonstop for a while too. It's making me sadder. :(

I bet Alex will do some solo stuff though.

blank said...

"that was a typo of the mouth b*tch* hahaha, stealing that. very nerdy funny! support hugs though, :(. i'm not a massive fan or anything like you guys, but their music tends to remind me of good highschool times. hey you never know what will happen, jay-z came out of retirement like the day after he retired!

Vanilla Bear said...

Aw sorry you guys, I didn't really know much about Phantom Planet so .. yeah.. but I do still love that OC theme tune *thumbs up*