Wednesday, December 3, 2008

maybe i just shouldn't eavesdrop

It's strange how different opinions can sometimes be. Today I overheard two girls in my American Literature class bitching about my Romantic Literature professor, who they have for Creative Writing. They were going on and on about how horrible a teacher he was, and how unnecessarily harsh he was on their papers, and how what he wrote was all subjective anyways.

Funny thing is, he's my favorite professor this semester. I think he's a fantastic teacher, and yeah he's a tough grader, but he certainly knows what he's talking about. Maybe I'm biased because I've gotten several very good grades in his class so he likes me, or they're biased because they've gotten bad grades, but it's still strange to me. I also love the subject matter which could make a difference; maybe I wouldn't like him as much if I took his Creative Writing class.

I have my second paper for that class due Tuesday: a comparison/contrast between William Blake's A Little Boy Lost and Percy Shelley's The Mask of Anarchy. I haven't gotten very far on it. I haven't even fleshed out my thesis yet. But even if I get a horrible grade on my paper, I honestly don't think that would make me like Dr. Welch less because of it.

[Random side note: People always ask why I'm not an English major, and sometimes I have a hard time coming up with an answer. Is it weird that I'm actually looking forward to writing this paper? Blake is one of my favorite poets in general, and The Mask of Anarchy is probably my favorite poem at the moment. Maybe I'm just odd, and that's the reason I'm the only one that likes my teacher.]

1 comment:

Vanilla Bear said...

Aww Sarah, I think it's nice. Imagine what Dr Welch would say if he heard those girls bitching and then you standing up for him! I know that as a teacher, that would make my day :D

Now go and do your best work for him!