Friday, November 14, 2008

favorite words: blog challenge four

1) clearly - this has kind of become my word. I'm not sure why, but I say it all the time. Clearly.

2) facetious - totally fun to say. Try it if you don't believe me!

3) ignominy - a word that surprisingly enough comes up quite often in my vocabulary. I'm not gonna say why, but it makes me laugh every time I say it.

4) quandary - I am in a quandary as to why I like the word quandary so much. I also really like the word "perplexed", which is usually used to define quandary. Maybe I'm just confused often, so words to describe my confusion are comforting? Yeah I dunno.

5) foodstuffs - my 12th grade World Topics teacher used to say this all the time and it cracked us up. She also pronounced "experiment" like "ex-spearmint" and said "drug" instead of "dragged". She was a great teacher though. Fun times in high school...


Venice said...

Niko says obviously all the time = another MFEO fact.

blank said...

ignominy? please say why, please!!

Vanilla Bear said...

What does ignominy even mean?